Out Here: Finding Nature
This series explores a certain “oneness” of man and nature. As a minimalist myself, I became fascinated with the impact that production and making has on our natural world. Through a series of sculptures I explore a man vs. nature paradox. I ask myself, about conservation and connectedness to nature. I question why we tend to force a separation between man and nature, and ask what happens when “out there” becomes “out here.” Why should the nest of a bird or web of a spider be so different from the furniture we build or architecture we create? Can we shift our perspective to view the man-made world as a new part or extension of the natural world? After all, we as humans, are beings of nature ourselves.
2010 - cherry, boxwood
Qui Plantavit Curabit
2010 - maple, palm leaves
2010 - maple, cherry, bird’s nest
The Offering
2010- cedar, copper
meditation bench
2011 - laser cut and welded steel and copper
Cactus Cages
2012-2013 - steel, terracotta pots
2012 - steel, oak, cherry
Trees Win
2012 - carved tree branch, axe head