projects | a shadow of craft


The Digital Vessel

As our lives become increasingly influenced by digital objects, experiences, and artificial intelligence, I began to question what this means for makers and how this affects our experience and relationship to physical objects. Can digital objects replace our need and desire to experience the physical ones?

For this project I utilized emerging Machine Learning methods to evaluate the series of vessels from the Weight Project. I was able to use a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to produce images of infinite new forms that fit within the series as though I created them myself. I was also able to distill the series down to a single vessel which reflects that totality of the Weight Project as a single form. This opens up more questions, and leads us to wonder if AI can ever reflect the emotional aspects that we put into making things. 

Machine Learning ceramics.

Two thirds of these vessels do not exist. They were generated through a machine learning model.

The weight project white ceramics.

The Weight Project

The One vessel ceramic vase from machine learning experiment by Topher Gent.

“The One”

Digital rendering of the one vessel.

The Digital Vessel

The digital vessel augmented reality ceramic pottery on table.

Experiments in Augmented Reality (AR)

Ceramic pottery on table augmented reality.
Ceramic pottery on table augmented reality.

The Weight Project


The Hybrid Vessel