projects | a shadow of craft


A Shadow of Craft is a research project focused on critical craft and the implications of digital technologies for makers. A core component of research has been geared towards the intersections art, craft, and design, as well as the materiality of digital processes and digitally produced objects, positioned adjacent to the objecthood of digital artifacts. Through a reflective practice in ceramic materials and processes, this project considers the importance of making in an increasingly digital world, by fusing digital methods such as machine learning and 3D printing into traditionally handcrafted processes such as wheel throwing and slip casting.

Topher Gent throwing porcelain clay ceramics pottery.
White ceramic vessel pottery.

Why do we make things?

Why does it matter?

Topher Gent throwing ceramics on pottery wheel.
Topher Gent throwing ceramics on pottery wheel.
Topher Gent throwing ceramics on pottery wheel.